Latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Quarterly Private Client Newsletter
Please see below a link to the latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Quarterly Private Client Newsletter. In this edition, we focus on one of our favourite pet topics – Behavioural Finance, and how to beat it (well, perhaps that should be “how to identify it”). We could go on for days, but fortunately (for you) we’re limited by space here! If it’s something you’d be interested in discussing further, then drop us a line – happy to grab a coffee, and we even have some interesting tests that will help demonstrate your behavioural weaknesses! Aside from that, a recent scare story around ETFs should test whether you really have a good understanding of this relatively new sector, and we conclude with an overview of our ‘Core and Satellite’ portfolio methodology. Once again, hope it’s of interest.
Click here to access the November 2010 edition in pdf format (requires Adobe Reader).
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