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Quarterly Private Client Newsletter: August 2011

Please see below a link to August 2011's Quarterly Private Client Newsletter from Kennedy Black Wealth Management.   In this edition, we continue a theme from the last issue, focusing on our investment beliefs.  This time, it's the Efficient Markets Hypothesis - which has come in for some criticism recently, somewhat unfairly in our view.  We also include a list of ten top tips for tax optimisation...

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How much should I contribute towards a pension?

On a day of public pension strikes, I thought some comments on pensions (especially private vs public) would be a topical subject.   If you are confused as to how much to contribute towards your pension, then you are in the majority. When I was working in the City, I used to think that my employer's contribution (3% of salary) plus a contribution from me (another 3%)...

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Latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Private Client Newsletter

Please see below a link to May 2011's Quarterly Private Client Newsletter from Kennedy Black Wealth Management.   In this edition, we focus on some of the fundamental investment beliefs that we hold here at Kennedy Black Wealth Management, namely that stock picking and market timing are sure-fire ways to erode long-term investment performance.   We have also highlighted a couple of important themes in the protection market which...

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Latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Quarterly Private Client Newsletter

Please see below a link to February 2011's Quarterly Private Client Newsletter from Kennedy Black Wealth Management.   In this edition, we focus on some year end tax planning topics such as ISAs and Capital Gains Tax planning.  The first article outlines how stocks and shares ISAs are almost as tax efficient as pensions - and since we all should recognise the tax benefits of pensions, perhaps...

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Latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Quarterly Private Client Newsletter

Please see below a link to the latest Kennedy Black Wealth Management Quarterly Private Client Newsletter.  In this edition, we focus on one of our favourite pet topics - Behavioural Finance, and how to beat it (well, perhaps that should be "how to identify it").  We could go on for days, but fortunately (for you) we're limited by space here!  If it's something you'd be...

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Pension Auto-Enrolment (and NEST) – what it means for employers

In what could be the most revolutionary changes to pension legislation in decades, the Department of Work and Pensions ("DWP") has recently published "Making Automatic Enrolment Work" (October 2010), a review into two new proposals: Auto-enrolment and NEST (short for "National Employment Savings Trust").  For employers, the implications are significant so here is a summary of what has been proposed and what it means.   Firstly, from...

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Spending Review – some pension reforms to salute for a change

So the Spending Review has now been and gone.  I won't dwell on the more general elements here, but I will cast an eye over the pension changes announced - less than a week after the last set of pension reforms.   In summary, the State Pension age for everyone will rise to 66 by 2020.  Not too big a deal, you might think, since it's currently...

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Follow us on Twitter

In response to the global influence of Twitter, we will be publishing these blog articles and more using Twitter.  We promise not to bore you with what we've just had for dinner, instead we will focus on providing key updates on the ever-developing world of personal finance.   I've already posted the very first tweet, so it would great if you could join us.   ...

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Reaction to BBC Panorama programme on pensions last night

I'm very pleased to see lots of focus on pensions by the BBC at the moment. First Newsnight, now Panorama.   Some initial thoughts on last night's Panorama programme.   Firstly, the positives: They are right to name and shame pension providers for high charges (for the record, HSBC, Co-op and L&G were the three worst offenders); They were also VERY right to focus on fund rebates as a...

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Do you need life assurance?

On Monday, Swiss Re published its annual European Insurance Report, highlighting a worrying EUR 10 trillion gap in life assurance across Europe.  The UK ranks third worst in terms of consumer protection in the event of death or serious illness (behind Germany and Sweden).  Worryingly, only 11% of Europeans believe themselves to be 'financially well positioned' if they die or suffer long-term illness or disability,...

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